
Garden's activity tracking

Garden's activity tracking

Garden's activity tracking

Help community gardens to grow 🌱

Help community gardens to grow 🌱

Help community gardens to grow 🌱


In Progress


Client Project




Created In



Tools, Social

Ecochamber is a mobile application that aims to simplify activity tracking in community gardens to help them growth. The goal is also to help these gardens grow to simp to the access and the volunteers to know what to do and how to do it.

From an Idea to an app in 30 days.
Crafting meaningful mobile applications.
In-house or tailored for you.

Made with 💙 by _borombo

From an Idea to an app in 30 days.
Crafting meaningful mobile applications.
In-house or tailored for you.

Made with 💙 by _borombo

From an Idea to an app in 30 days.
Crafting meaningful mobile applications.
In-house or tailored for you.

Made with 💙 by _borombo