
100% Private Chatbot

100% Private Chatbot

100% Private Chatbot

Your own private chatbot in your pocket.

Your own private chatbot in your pocket.

Your own private chatbot in your pocket.




Studio Project


iOS / SwiftUI

Created In

1 month


Chatbot, Tools

Evai is a simple project that allows you to run LLMs directly on your device. This lets you have a chatbot like ChatGPT but totally private and offline. You can then customize it as you want.

Currently, the tech that lets you run LLMs is pretty recent and requires a powerful device. This means that the app is only usable on the latest iOS devices (iPad and iPhone).

From an Idea to an app in 30 days.
Crafting meaningful mobile applications.
In-house or tailored for you.

Made with 💙 by _borombo

From an Idea to an app in 30 days.
Crafting meaningful mobile applications.
In-house or tailored for you.

Made with 💙 by _borombo

From an Idea to an app in 30 days.
Crafting meaningful mobile applications.
In-house or tailored for you.

Made with 💙 by _borombo